
Showing posts from September, 2017

People Who Win the Lottery End up Broke

I've heard that a significant percentage of people who win the lottery end up bankrupt. They simply did not have what it takes to handle the wealth that they were hoping to get. What brings these people down?  Is it a bad attitude that brings these people down?  Is it a lack of resources other than finances?  Is it a lack of a support system?  I don't have the answers, but I do see this as a  serious and important question. This is important because we have all won lotteries.   I've won the time lottery, this being the greatest time in the history of earth to be alive. I've won the genetic lottery, because clearly I'm smarter than the loser who passed me driving down the road this morning. I've won the country lottery, having been born in a country that other people risked life and limb to get to. I've won the physical health lottery, because I can still walk, talk, and take action. Despite all this?  I'm becoming bankrupt...

Do Nothing in Moderation

If you are going to improve your health, then diet as much as you can. If you are going to improve your finances, then make as much money as you can. If you are going to make love then put those illicit movies to shame. There are many losers who try to justify their self destructive actions by claiming that everything should be done in moderation.  But ya know what? When I quit smoking I threw the cigarettes away and never bought them again.  I was wrong to have smoked my health away.  Maybe at one point it was the right choice, but when crap hit the fan I had to discard that which made me weak and unable to deal with the stresses of life.  All the cigarettes had to go.   Because this is important, I will not hold back.