Got the Hep A Vaccination because of Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger and Benjamin Franklin.
Normally I have all these blog ideas that I want to share with people in order to connect with them. They get written down on post its and then I write about it whenever I get hours of time to do so. But I thought this needed to be repeated immediately, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and a pound of cure, promptly applied, is worth a whole ton of cure." - Warren Buffet quoting Charlie Munger quoting Benjamin Franklin. * There has been an outbreak of Hep A nearby. More and more restaurant workers are being identified as having the disease. The scare has become so great that my employer decided to offer free vaccinations to its employees. My thinking went along the lines of "I probably won't get the disease, I've probably been vaccinated, the number of people is less then one ten thousandth of a percent who have it...yeah I'm safe I don't need the vaccination." Then I remembered that saying, "An ounce of preventio...