I WANT THE STOCKS! (Been fired from work).

At first I was insulted because I considered being fired without the opportunity to present my side and supporting evidence (audio tapes, witnesses, and emails) a sign of disrespect.  Did they really think I did the unethical thing they are lying about me doing?

But then I was angry...I AM NOT A LOSER!  How dare they try to lower me to their level.

Now I'm just depressed, because more then anything there is a deep urge in me to buy more of the stocks.  I WANT THE STOCKS!  But I can't buy them yet, not until I get a high paying job.

There is a saying that goes something like this...if you do good will you not be rewarded?  And once again the answer is a resounding no.  There are no rewards in doing the honorable, moral, just, and ethical thing.  There's just a lingering sadness....a what if.

What if I had recorded my bosses as they lied to the workers compensation board so that I don't get back treatment in order for them not to have record able injuries?

What if I had spoken up as I saw my boss commit fraud by adjusting the numbers to look good so he'd get a bonus?

I always thought the right thing was not to bite the hand that feeds you...but at least I wouldn't be so hungry.


  1. Brian, there ARE rewards for doing the right thing. Being able to sleep with a clear conscience is one of them. Don't let the world hammer you into another person.

    Life can be very hard. Trying to reach FI is a worth goal, because it gives you choices.

    You haven't posted since all of this went down. I read your comments on other forums, and you've commented on mine. I hope you are OK. Please reach out if you are not. I'd like to help.


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