There is no such thing as Early Retirement

I'm guilty of falling into the trap of thinking that people can retire early.  That simply isn't true.

Retirement happens when you've earned enough passive income to cover your expenses.  Age has nothing to do with it.  You are now working because you want to, not because you have to.

There is nothing early about retirement.

This was on my mind due to the recent article that claims because people are living to be over 100 years old, it should be law to push back the retirement age to 70.

It is insanity to think that people want to spend their longer lives on working for the man.  Its like they just don't understand what motivates people to live longer lives at all.

Here is the reality and I'll say it again, retirement happens when you earn it.  Some earn it as a teenager by being a trust fund baby.  Some earn it in their 20's or 30's.  Some in their 60's.  But don't let anyone take that away from you.  There is no way that I am working longer to pay for someone who was unable to earn their retirement by the time they are 100 years old.  It is cruel, unethical, and downright evil to expect me to do so.


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