Been Listening to Jim Rohn, reading Jack Welch, and watching Amish plod by.

Listening to old Jim Rohn seminars has been motivating lately.  His message is good, but I always get uncomfortable listening to things like this.  Something I've picked up on is that people are paying attention and laughing during the jokes, but they are not doing so during the serious parts.  It makes me uncomfortable. 

One of my favorite sayings of Jim Rohn's is that it is not available to you by affirmation, it is available by labor.  That is how I feel as I go about my day putting in as many extra hours as I can during the holiday season.  Yet these people aren't even doing the labor of paying attention in the first place.  Am I just fooling myself when I think that all the paying attention I did during lectures in class is what I should have been doing?  Results are what matter, and these people did become successful enough to afford motivational seminars. 

Another thing I've been doing that cuts into my sleeping time is reading a book called "Winning" by Jack Welch of G.E. fame.  The one thing that stuck with me, even though I can't find the page this was on, is that you should not attack what you have to work with.  I have bad coworkers, but I should never attack them or say negative things about them.  I may be dating a bad person, but if that's what I have to work with then so be it.  I may drive a crappy car, have a lousy boss, or work in a job that I hate, but I'm not going to attack that which I have to work with.  Even if my vision of the future does not permit these people to be in it, I will not attack them today. 

Another thing that happened is I got stuck behind another one of them Amish horse and buggies.  When they took a left turn straight towards a store I decided to take a right turn and drive all the way around the city.  Even though I had zig zaged all the way around the city I still wound up at the end of their road before they got to it.  This was really eye opening to me.  How can you say you value time when a vastly superior option to get places is before you?  In what ways can I upgrade from the tried and true horse and buggy to the automobile in areas of my health and my wealth?  We both were traveling to the same destination and knew it, but I got there first even though I zoomed around all over the city.    Is there a way I can plan to be the car and not the buggy with my financial independence? 


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