College Won't Give You a Good Paying Job

My mother always said that I needed to go to college to get a good paying job.  My father said that he wouldn't give me a dime to go to college.

It was the next mandatory task that I was supposed to do.  I had a meeting with my guidance counselor and the dean of admissions of an in state private school.  They promised me that if I went to their college and graduated that I would be able to get out of poverty.  That just by graduating the college would give me a good paying job in my chosen career field.  And due to my many scholarships, including a full ride, the college costs would be covered.

But it was a lie.  The college took my scholarship money and never applied it to me.  The college didn't teach me what I wanted to learn.  The college never gave me a job.  All the college does for me is to call me up and ask for donations.  That is reality.

They are there to make a profit off of you, because they think young people without their crap together is the easiest prey.

I have a hard time believing it, because going to college is what you're supposed to do to make big money.  But I have lived it.  Don't make the same mistake.


  1. As you know, Colleges are not in the education business but in the business of selling loans.

    1. Oh gosh yes, and where I live these loans cannot be discharged even in bankruptcy! I was very lucky to have paid off my student loans, and wouldn't wish it on anyone else making near minimum wage. Do not live because of luck, especially on low incomes.


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