How to Have a Positive Net Worth

This is so simple I can't believe nobody ever thought of it.

The easiest way to have a positive net worth is by not owing anybody anything.  Kinda like the homeless man on the street corner.

You see loans are evil creatures, designed to shackle your balls and hold you back from doing what you want to do.  You want to go to the bar and chase skirts?  Too bad, you got work to do to pay them student loans off.  You want to have a nice dinner without cooking?  Too bad, you are obligated to work and get that mortgage paid off.  You want to go out in the woods with your collection of throwing daggers and practice hitting every target that you find?  Too bad, your time is obligated to working so that the people who loaned you money can get paid back and feed their own families.

To take money without intending to pay it back on time makes you a thief.  Being a thief means you must have your hand chopped off.  Having your hand chopped off makes it harder to get laid.  Protect yourself by just not taking any loans at all.  Instead, go with the power of renting.

Want a home?  Rent it.
Want a car for a day?  Rent it.
Want an education?  Rent it.
Want a beer?  Rent it.  (I'm looking at you, California).

You owe it to your future children, and you owe it to yourself.

The Bible says you can't have two masters, for you will love one and hate the other, or hate one and love the other (Matthew 6:24).  It also says that the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7).  When we combine the two...voila!  You cannot be a borrower and have God as your master.

Whether you believe in God, a higher power, an ancient spirit, aliens, the President, or some deep inner motivation doesn't matter.  You are cutting yourself off from this energy the exact moment that you take out this loan.

Save yourself, and just don't borrow money (borrow everything else).

Until next time,


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