Communication being 90% nonverbal was a big fat ugly lie.

As a shy child I took great comfort in something that my teacher taught me.

Basically the rumor goes like this, communication is 90% nonverbal, 5% verbal, and 5% tone.

This was a heaven send for shy people like me, it meant you just had to position yourself in the right place and make it obvious to the other person what you want. 

Not missing at work and going way over the top means that I want the promotion when my department head opens up right?  Nope guess not I supposedly never asked for it even though my excellence at work WAS asking for it.

Dating someone for 10 hours every night for over a year meant that I liked them right?  Nope guess not.

Saving my bosses ass more times then I can count and finding him ways to save enough money that I could retire on, that means I want a raise right?  Nope guess not, guess it means that I want to have my workload tripled with no extra pay.

Ever get that way where you want to say something but you just can't, not even if you're alone?

Yeah well now I guess I'm gonna figure out how to deal with it, cause this nonverbal communication being most important is crap.  People seem extra motivated to screw you over when they know you haven't said anything yet.


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