The Art of Shutting Your Mouth

One of the things that I'm learning how to do is to shut my mouth.

I've never met someone who wanted the truth.  Everyone wants what they are thinking to be right.

It was a joke the number of times I had to lie to people while working at Walmart because otherwise they would make a nightmare for you or try to get you wrote up.

But this current job has made me far more aware of it.  I've never spoken up and not been punished for it in this current job.  And I'm glad to have learned this lesson, specifically:

"Shut your mouth, people killed others merely for having a different opinion based on scientific facts."

Back when Persia was an empire nobody wanted to be the messenger, because killing the messenger was a real thing that went on.  This is a subconscious thing that we all do, we can't help it.  For example they killed that guy that proved the earth was round. 

Noone wants the truth, so its best just to shut up and keep your head down.


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