
Showing posts from March, 2018

Men should eat less.

Men are stronger than women. Therefore men have more muscle than women. Monkeys who eat more calories look older and die sooner. Humans who eat more calories look older and die sooner. Men eat more calories then women to maintain their extra muscle. Therefore men naturally die sooner. The solution if to eat less calories in order to live as long as your female counterpart.

High School Math is Used Every Day

This is all the math that you need to remember. Given that X = the previous amount, then Money > X Health< X Relationships = X In other words everyday you have three goals. You have to make the money number get bigger. You have to make the health number (calories, body fat % etc) get smaller. You have to keep the same number of deep relationships as you had the previous day. And that's it.  

Rolling the 100 sided die of success.

Everyday I get up and I choose to roll the die of success.  On the die is 99 sides marked F, which stands for Failure.  Only one side is marked S, which stands for success. Now I don't believe you get to choose which die you are born with.  But I do believe that most people have an opportunity to roll that die. And my willingness to do so is what separates me from the herd.  One day I'll win.

The Art of Shutting Your Mouth

One of the things that I'm learning how to do is to shut my mouth. I've never met someone who wanted the truth.  Everyone wants what they are thinking to be right. It was a joke the number of times I had to lie to people while working at Walmart because otherwise they would make a nightmare for you or try to get you wrote up. But this current job has made me far more aware of it.  I've never spoken up and not been punished for it in this current job.  And I'm glad to have learned this lesson, specifically: "Shut your mouth, people killed others merely for having a different opinion based on scientific facts ." Back when Persia was an empire nobody wanted to be the messenger, because killing the messenger was a real thing that went on.  This is a subconscious thing that we all do, we can't help it.  For example they killed that guy that proved the earth was round.  Noone wants the truth, so its best just to shut up and keep your head down.

Rich VS Poor Income Inequality

The world gives you stuff, if you own that shit it'll give you more expensive stuff, or if you don't it'll give you less stuff and eventually stop giving at all. I mean the rich get given a bunch of stuff, but the poor get stabbed in the back and robbed for their money. I think it was in the Bible, somewhere it says to him who has more will be given, but to him who does not have, even what he does have will be taken away.  So now that you've been told three times a simple truth, you know what to do.  Do whatever it takes to get some, and let compounding do the work.

Fish where the fish are.

At risk of ruining a perfectly good title. I think its silly that people are looking wherever is easiest to fulfill their life. The people at work turn to coworkers to find love. The people at the gym turn to each other to form social groups. The people at church create their own exercise groups. The people at the bar are there on an important business deal. Like for real people?  You actually have to go to the lake if you want to catch a fish.  You can't just throw a lure out the window because it happened to rain yesterday.

The Mid Life Partner

When I was younger I thought I was supposed to be given a woman to stand beside me and create a life together. It just never happened. Now that I'm older I realize that I can't go back and do it over with someone.  I'll never have that experience of sharing a life together, a life partner is forever out of reach. The best I can do now is find a mid life partner.  I never wanted to be alone, I always wanted a friend. Fairly soon I'll just have to accept that it wasn't in the cards I suppose. But it sucks.

I'm WINNING due to the Trump tax cut.

I compared a paystub from last year to a paystub from this year. Even though my gross pay remained the same, I am now taking home $22.91 more in net pay.  This means that over the course of a year I'll be taking home up to $595.66 more. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN BABY!!! Readers, do you know understand why people think this is a bad thing?  I sure don't!  The money is in my pocket, and that's what I understand.

The Flares Shouldn't Fool You

Imagine that you are a heat seeking missile, cruising along at speeds approaching really fast! Your target is in front of you, an enemy transport! Hitler has been cloned and is in this transport.  You need only to blow it up to save millions of people. You're getting really close now, 5...4...3...2...1... Suddenly the enemy releases the small and insignificant flares! For whatever reason you decide to go after the flares instead, and explode way off course. Hitler escapes to his Nazi martian base.  What just happened? Cheesecake. It happens to all of us.  Chocolate Cheesecake. You were doing so good on your diet when suddenly the world throws a Big Mac at you.  Is that enough to make you explode? You were doing so good with your money when suddenly the world throws a new movie at you, is that enough to make you explode? You were doing so good with your marriage when suddenly the world throws an intern at you, WILL YOU EXPLODE? Of course not....

Communication being 90% nonverbal was a big fat ugly lie.

As a shy child I took great comfort in something that my teacher taught me. Basically the rumor goes like this, communication is 90% nonverbal, 5% verbal, and 5% tone. This was a heaven send for shy people like me, it meant you just had to position yourself in the right place and make it obvious to the other person what you want.  Not missing at work and going way over the top means that I want the promotion when my department head opens up right?  Nope guess not I supposedly never asked for it even though my excellence at work WAS asking for it. Dating someone for 10 hours every night for over a year meant that I liked them right?  Nope guess not. Saving my bosses ass more times then I can count and finding him ways to save enough money that I could retire on, that means I want a raise right?  Nope guess not, guess it means that I want to have my workload tripled with no extra pay. Ever get that way where you want to say something but you just can't, not...

"If you let it go, I don't see how you can reverse this stuff."

Ahh this is the great Charlie Munger quote that stuck me the other day. "If you let it go, I don't see how you can reverse this stuff." Here is an old billionaire, and what is he saying? GET IN SHAPE YOUNG MAN! Well at least that's my interpretation. Some things can never be reversed, so why have I let my health go in pursuit of early retirement? It may be difficult, but there's no point in getting to retirement if I've let my health go. I used to think that I would let my health go for just a bit while I worked, then after work I'd go back to focusing on health. But it has turned out to be nonsense. I let my health go through school, through college, through work... It never ends, it just never ends.  If there were a game I could push a button and reverse all the bad things I've let go.  But life doesn't work like that. That's why I'm forming a new way to work out. Basically I'm motivating by pushing my limits, ...

Banned from MMM forums before I could get the cute woman's info.

I usually spend my breaks over at Mister Money Mustache forums.  Their shame and comedy thread is a good way to pass the time, and I like to encourage others like me who don't make very much to keep at it (obviously). I just got banned for trolling, but all I did was try to show interest about a F seeking M my age.  This ad was amazing and included everything such as: Harry Potter, flight stewardess holding a job, gonna get a family rental, had a beautiful picture, wants to FIre in 17 years, etc.  It was like when you receive those emails from a Libyan prince, you know these people don't really exist.  But if you do exist, I HOPE YOU SEE THIS LET'S DANCE.  Now that I'm banned I guess I'll go ahead and write all them blog posts that I've put off.  Having time to put my thoughts here instead of building up someone else's community is probably a good thing.